I heard a cry from the balcony this evening for me to come and identify a strange looking creature on the floor. It was ugly and kind of disgusting looking. At first I thought maybe it was a dead orange slug but upon closer inspection, and a squeamish prod with my finger, decided it was a very old rotten half-of-a-carrot. When asked where it had come from, since it had not been there earlier, I shrugged my shoulders and refused to speculate. Sandra later suggested maybe it fell out of the apron she had cleaned today. Perhaps it did, perhaps it did not. Perhaps it was not a carrot...
I have lost another kilogram this week. And I did not even exercise at all this week (since I was ill). I exercised today for the first time in a week and a half. I think perhaps my changes to my eating patterns (I am not on a diet) are also having the desired effects.
We had my borscht for supper tonight but decided to exclude the sour cream (since we have none in the fridge.) Sandra enjoyed it; saying it was much better than the borscht my mother makes. This is truth.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
I made my grandmother's borscht recipe today. Its now in the fridge and we will have it as a light supper this week some time.
About 6 medium beetroot, Peel and cut in half,2 litres water (about 8 cups) 2 teaspoons salt, juice of 1 lemon, half a cup sugar, sour cream (shamenet) METHOD. Boil beetroot with salt. Add lemon juice and sugar. When beetroot soft (check with fork) take them out, grate one and add to the soup. When cold add cream and mix well. Serve with hot boiled potatoes.
About 6 medium beetroot, Peel and cut in half,2 litres water (about 8 cups) 2 teaspoons salt, juice of 1 lemon, half a cup sugar, sour cream (shamenet) METHOD. Boil beetroot with salt. Add lemon juice and sugar. When beetroot soft (check with fork) take them out, grate one and add to the soup. When cold add cream and mix well. Serve with hot boiled potatoes.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
27 Million
Robbie scored 27 Million for the pinball game that comes with the Microsoft Windows operating system this evening. He spent the entire day, focused and controlled, attempting to defeat the score of 23 Million. You see; Jaydon, for his holidays, came down to Durban and stayed in Robbie's spare room. And managed to get the score of 23 Million at pinball, putting himself up at No. 1 on the High Scores scoreboard. Robbie, is extremely competitive; especially with Jaydon. They have been competing since they were tall enough to play Ching-Chong-Cha (or Hammer Paper Scisscors) and he has been biting his lip every time he looked towards his computer. This is a big problem if you use your computer every day to write essays for a Master's degree in International Shipping Law. So today his Master's degree got put aside; food got put aside; and everything became focused on the really important stuff.
Whilst Robbie was hitting virtual flippers and listening to virtual bells Sandra and I went to deal with the missing R400, pay some bills and find green desk lamps (to go with the green dill we painted on the walls in our study.)
We spent a while at the bank whilst they phoned Standard bank (the bank of the DIT) and confirmed that the R400 had indeed been deposited. They provided us with some documentation as well as relevant phone numbers with which Sandra can confront the nasty bureaucrat next week.
We then intended to go to Zebs at Springfield park to look at lights. But I missed the turn off and instead we ended up at the Gateway in Umhlanga. So we looked at the shops in the Crescent. We found a perfect green desk lamp at Cash Crusaders. But nowhere else was anything green enough to satisfy Sandra's green needs. We did manage to pick some coat-hangers (which we suddenly absolutely needed in Sandra's opinion) and some cheap light T-shirts from a T-shirt factory shop.
Also there was general confusion and crossness when we lost each other in Furniture City. Both of us thought the other had abandoned the other one. Sandra thought I had just got too bored and had got the mutters and gone to sulk in the car. I thought Sandra had just wandered off to look for green desk lamps in shops that were not Furniture City. She, not finding me in the car, had bought a coffee and gone looking in shop windows. I eventually located her by climbing to a suitable vantage point to have a clear view of the largest area; spotted her drinking coffee and window shopping a cell phone shop.
And then on the way back we decided to take a last chance and stick our heads into the Lighting Warehouse. There we found two more perfect green desk lamps. But no suitable standing lamps for next to the brown couch. But there was a potential green light and ceiling fan combo that has attracted us - and maybe we will return tomorrow.
Upon arriving home, Sandra discovered that the third desk lamp needed an extension cord to go in the perfect place. And against my express desires, shouts and whines she abducted my extension cord from my DJ room rendering all my music equipment silent. I then, realising that I was going to lose this one, worked out a way to turn it to my advantage. I then proposed that she could have the extension cord for the desk lamp if we could go and see Blade: Trinity at the cinema tonight. And she agreed. Ha.
I then made chick-pea and spinach curry for supper (which I invited a happy content relieved and proud 27 Millioner Robbie to try) and it was loved by all.
Blade was fun too and Sandra did not seem to hate it too much.
Whilst Robbie was hitting virtual flippers and listening to virtual bells Sandra and I went to deal with the missing R400, pay some bills and find green desk lamps (to go with the green dill we painted on the walls in our study.)
We spent a while at the bank whilst they phoned Standard bank (the bank of the DIT) and confirmed that the R400 had indeed been deposited. They provided us with some documentation as well as relevant phone numbers with which Sandra can confront the nasty bureaucrat next week.
We then intended to go to Zebs at Springfield park to look at lights. But I missed the turn off and instead we ended up at the Gateway in Umhlanga. So we looked at the shops in the Crescent. We found a perfect green desk lamp at Cash Crusaders. But nowhere else was anything green enough to satisfy Sandra's green needs. We did manage to pick some coat-hangers (which we suddenly absolutely needed in Sandra's opinion) and some cheap light T-shirts from a T-shirt factory shop.
Also there was general confusion and crossness when we lost each other in Furniture City. Both of us thought the other had abandoned the other one. Sandra thought I had just got too bored and had got the mutters and gone to sulk in the car. I thought Sandra had just wandered off to look for green desk lamps in shops that were not Furniture City. She, not finding me in the car, had bought a coffee and gone looking in shop windows. I eventually located her by climbing to a suitable vantage point to have a clear view of the largest area; spotted her drinking coffee and window shopping a cell phone shop.
And then on the way back we decided to take a last chance and stick our heads into the Lighting Warehouse. There we found two more perfect green desk lamps. But no suitable standing lamps for next to the brown couch. But there was a potential green light and ceiling fan combo that has attracted us - and maybe we will return tomorrow.
Upon arriving home, Sandra discovered that the third desk lamp needed an extension cord to go in the perfect place. And against my express desires, shouts and whines she abducted my extension cord from my DJ room rendering all my music equipment silent. I then, realising that I was going to lose this one, worked out a way to turn it to my advantage. I then proposed that she could have the extension cord for the desk lamp if we could go and see Blade: Trinity at the cinema tonight. And she agreed. Ha.
I then made chick-pea and spinach curry for supper (which I invited a happy content relieved and proud 27 Millioner Robbie to try) and it was loved by all.
Blade was fun too and Sandra did not seem to hate it too much.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Getting into the picture
Ahhh. Now I know how to get a picture into the blog. This is a picture from many years ago of me and my brothers. Thats me on the far right with the green pants.
I just got a phone call from Sandra from the DIT. She said registration went fine at the first part (the Homeopathy Department) but when she arrived at the second desk the people there would not register her because she did not have some kind of translation of her school leaving documents. She has already been through all the interviews and stuff and had been clearly accepted. There is a bureaucrat that is confused. She has now gone back to the HOD of the Homeopathy department and he is making phone calls. I told her perhaps she should point out that she is 29 and get through the system as a mature student. The bureaucrat can click that checkbox and solve her problem... Thats what I suggested. Sandra sounded frustrated and a bit in shock; as she was caught by surprise by the nasty bureaucrat. The last time I spoke to her she was sitting outside the Homeopathy Department confused. She then said that the HOD walked past her and promised he was about to phone.
I just phoned her now again. It sounds like there are really painful people she has to deal with. Anyway she is being provisionally registered until she brings something stating what she has is equivalent to something. Geez. She has a degree in Social Work already. How shameful!
I just spoke to Sandra again. She has now got hold of mature age exemption forms and the Homeopathy secretary has sent her scurrying to the registration desk again (with the exemption forms) because the nasty bureaucrat has gone on lunch. I also realised that Greg works at the Technikon. I called his office and spoke to his secretary. He is a person of authority at the DIT and knows how the system works there so if I can get him to meet up with Sandra she will get a power-up and maybe will be able to get past the nasty bureaucrat. But he was at a meeting. I left a long message and Sandra's phone number with the secretary. I then spoke to Sandra whilst she was scurrying in the nasty bureaucrat's lunch time moments - and told her to find Greg to get a power-up; if the lunch-time gambit fails. Fun and games!
I spoke to Sandra again. Apparently she succeeded at getting registered by the lunch-time manouevre. Hurray for lunch-times! And now she is off to get her student card created. I think I am going to take my lunch-time break now in celebration. She is still having other problems since her name has been spelt wrong and they are not accepting her permanent residence as proof of this; and want a certified copy of her marriage certificate. Also there is R2000 fee she has to pay. Orignially it was R1600 and then later became R2000. We paid the R1600 and then later R400 more. But now they can not find the R400 in their records! We have a deposit reference number that does not seem to aid them. Anyway this issue is apparently not critical to registratinon.
I wonder if she is going to end up with a student card with her name spelt wrong on it?
Yup.... I was right. Anyways, registered under the wrong name with a student card with her name spelt wrong; Sandra just phoned tired and exhausted. She says she is calling a taxi to go home - once she has worked out where exactly she actually is.
She got home eventually to find out that there was no electricity in our building. And today has been a stifling hot day in Durban. Hee Hee.
I just got a phone call from Sandra from the DIT. She said registration went fine at the first part (the Homeopathy Department) but when she arrived at the second desk the people there would not register her because she did not have some kind of translation of her school leaving documents. She has already been through all the interviews and stuff and had been clearly accepted. There is a bureaucrat that is confused. She has now gone back to the HOD of the Homeopathy department and he is making phone calls. I told her perhaps she should point out that she is 29 and get through the system as a mature student. The bureaucrat can click that checkbox and solve her problem... Thats what I suggested. Sandra sounded frustrated and a bit in shock; as she was caught by surprise by the nasty bureaucrat. The last time I spoke to her she was sitting outside the Homeopathy Department confused. She then said that the HOD walked past her and promised he was about to phone.
I just phoned her now again. It sounds like there are really painful people she has to deal with. Anyway she is being provisionally registered until she brings something stating what she has is equivalent to something. Geez. She has a degree in Social Work already. How shameful!
I just spoke to Sandra again. She has now got hold of mature age exemption forms and the Homeopathy secretary has sent her scurrying to the registration desk again (with the exemption forms) because the nasty bureaucrat has gone on lunch. I also realised that Greg works at the Technikon. I called his office and spoke to his secretary. He is a person of authority at the DIT and knows how the system works there so if I can get him to meet up with Sandra she will get a power-up and maybe will be able to get past the nasty bureaucrat. But he was at a meeting. I left a long message and Sandra's phone number with the secretary. I then spoke to Sandra whilst she was scurrying in the nasty bureaucrat's lunch time moments - and told her to find Greg to get a power-up; if the lunch-time gambit fails. Fun and games!
I spoke to Sandra again. Apparently she succeeded at getting registered by the lunch-time manouevre. Hurray for lunch-times! And now she is off to get her student card created. I think I am going to take my lunch-time break now in celebration. She is still having other problems since her name has been spelt wrong and they are not accepting her permanent residence as proof of this; and want a certified copy of her marriage certificate. Also there is R2000 fee she has to pay. Orignially it was R1600 and then later became R2000. We paid the R1600 and then later R400 more. But now they can not find the R400 in their records! We have a deposit reference number that does not seem to aid them. Anyway this issue is apparently not critical to registratinon.
I wonder if she is going to end up with a student card with her name spelt wrong on it?
Yup.... I was right. Anyways, registered under the wrong name with a student card with her name spelt wrong; Sandra just phoned tired and exhausted. She says she is calling a taxi to go home - once she has worked out where exactly she actually is.
She got home eventually to find out that there was no electricity in our building. And today has been a stifling hot day in Durban. Hee Hee.
Letter to The Expert
I asked the fish for advice to-day. Below is a copy of my email.
Hi fish,
I have recently begun personal blogging. Four years ago I used to write personal blogstyle emails on a daily basis. They all disappeared when burglars broke into my home. Well my parents' home. I was living at home again at the time; and I promise I have good explainable reasons. I am now living in my own home with a wife and everything. So I really am not going to get into why I was not then; especially since you probably don't really care that much anyways.
anyways... I was wondering if you could give me any pointers in what direction to go in terms of designing a good layout. I am currently using Blogger. Is that a good choice? Is there a better one? You have been nominated as one of the best personal bloggers currently doing her/his thing; so you are The Expert (...Congratulations, by the way...) And if anyone can give me a good bloggerly advice, you are The Man ( or The Fish who is getting an iPod.)
I also really want an iPod. But I can not find the excuse to spend the money on it yet. My wife really wants an iPac. I figure that when I manage to save enough money for her iPac; I then can save towards my iPod. There is definitely a sense of "If you get something I should also get something" kind of ethos that revolves around expensive nice consumer stuff spending acts in our lives.
Anyways.... I know your blog is an advice-free zone; but any tips from your experience that culminated in your nomination as one the Best Blogs Ever would be, at least read and thought about.
--- ilAn
Hi fish,
I have recently begun personal blogging. Four years ago I used to write personal blogstyle emails on a daily basis. They all disappeared when burglars broke into my home. Well my parents' home. I was living at home again at the time; and I promise I have good explainable reasons. I am now living in my own home with a wife and everything. So I really am not going to get into why I was not then; especially since you probably don't really care that much anyways.
anyways... I was wondering if you could give me any pointers in what direction to go in terms of designing a good layout. I am currently using Blogger. Is that a good choice? Is there a better one? You have been nominated as one of the best personal bloggers currently doing her/his thing; so you are The Expert (...Congratulations, by the way...) And if anyone can give me a good bloggerly advice, you are The Man ( or The Fish who is getting an iPod.)
I also really want an iPod. But I can not find the excuse to spend the money on it yet. My wife really wants an iPac. I figure that when I manage to save enough money for her iPac; I then can save towards my iPod. There is definitely a sense of "If you get something I should also get something" kind of ethos that revolves around expensive nice consumer stuff spending acts in our lives.
Anyways.... I know your blog is an advice-free zone; but any tips from your experience that culminated in your nomination as one the Best Blogs Ever would be, at least read and thought about.
--- ilAn
Thursday, January 27, 2005
I am going to get a bit smaller, by the end of this blog. I am a computer programmer and I am sure I can work out how to bend this blogger website to my desires... I know I can I know I can...
At half past midnight last night I was writing into every Saturday entry in my 2005 diary : "cut fingernails..." I bet very few people in the world would consider doing something like that in the wee hours of the morning.
Today at work, I got a phone call from Sandra. She said that the dryer was making a sound like this "Wherloolsp". She imitated the sound to me over the phone and then asked me what I thought I should be done about it. I thought maybe she should call the shop that sold it to us; and make the sound for them.
I went to a new petrol station this morning. In general I am very particular about my petrol station. I always like going to the same petrol station; and I do not like going to unknown petrol stations. But on the way to work my car went beeep and said please fill up with petrol. I decided I should brave the unknown and I took an Amanzimtoti turn off and went to a petrol station I have never been to before. I did not like it much. I much prefer my normal petrol station.
I need to work out how to make my font smaller and smaller and smaller as I feel my letters have been way to big. But Maybe this is too small. hmmmm.
It must not be too small but it was much too big before and it felt childish
and it felt childish and it felt childish and it felt childish and it felt childish
Perhaps I should stick to this size for while and see how it feels.
I knew I could I knew I could ...
At half past midnight last night I was writing into every Saturday entry in my 2005 diary : "cut fingernails..." I bet very few people in the world would consider doing something like that in the wee hours of the morning.
Today at work, I got a phone call from Sandra. She said that the dryer was making a sound like this "Wherloolsp". She imitated the sound to me over the phone and then asked me what I thought I should be done about it. I thought maybe she should call the shop that sold it to us; and make the sound for them.
I went to a new petrol station this morning. In general I am very particular about my petrol station. I always like going to the same petrol station; and I do not like going to unknown petrol stations. But on the way to work my car went beeep and said please fill up with petrol. I decided I should brave the unknown and I took an Amanzimtoti turn off and went to a petrol station I have never been to before. I did not like it much. I much prefer my normal petrol station.
I need to work out how to make my font smaller and smaller and smaller as I feel my letters have been way to big. But Maybe this is too small. hmmmm.
It must not be too small but it was much too big before and it felt childish
and it felt childish and it felt childish and it felt childish and it felt childish
Perhaps I should stick to this size for while and see how it feels.
I knew I could I knew I could ...
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
A lion outside the window...
I am still not feeling that great... nevertheless I guess I will head back to work tomorrow.
Our new couch arrived today. Sandra was very umimpressed with the delivery guys and she thought they were going to damage the couch. They had immense difficulties getting it through the door. She complained really loudly about how incompetent they were and even phoned the boss and complained whilst they were struggling. Anyhow, eventually, without being damaged it got into the study and into its position. Its brown suede with a firm back. Not a couch for slouching in; rather a couch for reading and studying in.
She is complaining about feeling dizzy. Maybe she has picked up the bug... just in time for the first week of semester which begins next week (with registration on Friday!) She is in bed right now.
I dreamt about a lion wandering outside my lounge window in the garden. I was a bit concerned as I thought that was kind of dangerous. Especially as the window was open.
Of course in reality, I have no lounge with a window onto a garden as I live on the second floor in a flat. I have a view of a park with big trees and the occasional hobo.
Our new couch arrived today. Sandra was very umimpressed with the delivery guys and she thought they were going to damage the couch. They had immense difficulties getting it through the door. She complained really loudly about how incompetent they were and even phoned the boss and complained whilst they were struggling. Anyhow, eventually, without being damaged it got into the study and into its position. Its brown suede with a firm back. Not a couch for slouching in; rather a couch for reading and studying in.
She is complaining about feeling dizzy. Maybe she has picked up the bug... just in time for the first week of semester which begins next week (with registration on Friday!) She is in bed right now.
I dreamt about a lion wandering outside my lounge window in the garden. I was a bit concerned as I thought that was kind of dangerous. Especially as the window was open.
Of course in reality, I have no lounge with a window onto a garden as I live on the second floor in a flat. I have a view of a park with big trees and the occasional hobo.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
I still feel woozy
I spent most of today in bed. The doctor has given me a note saying I will only be fit for work on Thursday. So I will be at home tomorrow as well. My throat is still a bit funny, but it is much better than yesterday. I do still feel woozy.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Nice and Warm
I have the flue, the doctor has confirmed my suspicions.
I am staying in bed for a few days now... I am nauseaus, headache, sore throat etc...
Ugg, the screen is making me feel dizzy.
Oh.. and Harry, I have lost another one and one half kilograms and I did not exercise every day this week. I have also changed my eating patterns too. No fizzy drinks at all, no crisps and chocalates inbetween meals. Inbetween meals whenever I feel hungry I drink a long tall glass of water. And for lunch, whatever Sandra has placed in my lunch box...
Right now, Sandra is watching Planet of the Apes with Charlton Heston. I can hear the court room scenes happening now....
I am going to crawl back into bed.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Flu on Vinyl
I have a sore throat, a headache and the flue. I am a bit paranoid that it might bring my ITP out of remission. Yesterday I made home-made chumus myself for the first time. It was better than the chumus you can buy at Pick and Pay. (and cheaper and fresher with no preservative!) Thanks Graciela for the recipe in the book you sent me as a present! Much much better. I think thats because the Chumus at Pick and Pay is made Greek style and I prefer Arab/Israeli style. Durban has a sizeable Greek community. Israeli Chumus being one of my favourite tastes in the world, this acquiral of knowledge has lifted my spirits to the highest heavens. I can now make my own whenever I want.
Sandra is practising her violin in the background. I am going to go back to bed now (after eating delicious spinach and feta pie that I made yesterday!)
Go Cook Ilan Go!
Oh, and Margaret phoned me yesterday to tell me that her library was selling off all their vinyl records for R5 a shot - do I want any. They are in perfect mint condition because they were used as "masters". I told her "Of course!" since I have three turntables (two are professional dj quality and one is a regular technics.) ...and I prefer vinyl to CD. And mostly listen to vinyl anyways. I have to order new music through the internet as there are no places to buy new vinyl in Durban. I am of the firm belief that analog sound (due to it being a perfect sound wave) is richer than digital sound (being a chopped up digital simulation of a wave - kind of like the way one differentiates in calculus). Since the libary is in Pietermaritzburg and I can not get there; I told her to make me a selection including Miles Davis and Beethoven.
Thats quite exciting.
Sandra is practising her violin in the background. I am going to go back to bed now (after eating delicious spinach and feta pie that I made yesterday!)
Go Cook Ilan Go!
Oh, and Margaret phoned me yesterday to tell me that her library was selling off all their vinyl records for R5 a shot - do I want any. They are in perfect mint condition because they were used as "masters". I told her "Of course!" since I have three turntables (two are professional dj quality and one is a regular technics.) ...and I prefer vinyl to CD. And mostly listen to vinyl anyways. I have to order new music through the internet as there are no places to buy new vinyl in Durban. I am of the firm belief that analog sound (due to it being a perfect sound wave) is richer than digital sound (being a chopped up digital simulation of a wave - kind of like the way one differentiates in calculus). Since the libary is in Pietermaritzburg and I can not get there; I told her to make me a selection including Miles Davis and Beethoven.
Thats quite exciting.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Motorbike helmets for chickens
I suddenly remembered my dream whilst driving to work this morning. It was when I saw a motor bike speed past me on the left and it triggered my memory of last night's dream. The earliest recollection from my dream is being in some kind of building and leaving to get on my motorbike to drive to the nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken to buy some finger licking good food. At this point I realise that I have forgotten my helmet somewhere. I decided to get on the motorbike anyways and start it up. I taxi it slowly onto the pavement. At this point two motor cyclists with helmets pass by me. I get a huge sence of anxiety about my lack of a helmet and instead decide to "walk" my motorbike to the Kentucky Fried Chicken. I remembered it being not such a savoury area but it seems to have been fixed up a bit (like the reconstruction of the point area of Durban) and then I pass a lot of people in beach gear returning from the beach. I approach the take-away place and discover a long line of people waiting outside the building. But these people are waiting for someone else. A middle-aged short well-dressed plumpish couple are standing next me. The wife asks me "If I am also waiting for Dr Sherman." I say no, as I am waiting to get Kentucky Fried Chicken. She and her husband look anxious. I look at the others in the queue and see that there are some young girls which seem to be pregnant waiting in the queue. Including one particulr tall girl with a large pregnant stomach. She reminded me of Olive Oyl. I think that this doctor probably works with issues of fertility and pregnancy. I cannot remember any more of the dream.
Last night I went to watch Resident Evil : Apocalypse. Sandra thought it was silly.
Last night I went to watch Resident Evil : Apocalypse. Sandra thought it was silly.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Tedium. Thats what seems to be enveloping me. Tedium. I am making slow progress at work and the work is extremely tedious and involved. But o so tedious. Tedius. Tedium. And its not going as smoothly as I would like. I need a comb to go through this old code to find ways to optimise this stuff. Its such a tedious process and its looking like it will go on for months and months. Months and months and months of tedium. Oh well. I guess afterwards I will feel that I have achieved much. Perhaps I should view it as a Buddhist exercise in mindfulness. Make it a spiritual task, a way to find the moment underneath the dross. A Herculean task of minute changes.
My father brought back some zataar for me from Israel and also a cookery book from my Aunt (with special recipes for boosting the immune system) and some hebrew cd's. The one is great and the one is okaish.
I feel very drained by the tedium of the today's work and the fact that despite working hard and with concentration and focus I have not got very deep into the.... I think I must stop contemplating that and think about how nice I will feel when I do something I love. lurve. luff. oh... bugger.
My father brought back some zataar for me from Israel and also a cookery book from my Aunt (with special recipes for boosting the immune system) and some hebrew cd's. The one is great and the one is okaish.
I feel very drained by the tedium of the today's work and the fact that despite working hard and with concentration and focus I have not got very deep into the.... I think I must stop contemplating that and think about how nice I will feel when I do something I love. lurve. luff. oh... bugger.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Coriander Techina
I managed to lose approximately 1 kg. If its not just a normal fluctuation over the last week. Jaydon is now in Durban staying in Robbie's spare bedroom. He helped me bring back all the stuff that Robbie borrowed that Sandra was having pangs for: the hoover, the painting equipment that Terri had borrowed and the Human Body DVD. I did a super exercise again yesterday evening. My muscles have not turned into pain machines again - but it took two days last time. Sandra made delicious baked pumpkin for supper as well as potatoes, salad and soya sausages. I decided to make some techina to go with the potatoes and soya. I decided to mix in the rest of the fresh coriander (still remaining from my curry ingredients) and it was ay-one.
I spent a few hours looking at two of my new text books. Specifically the third year computer science courses. It is going to be challenging and I am going to have put in many long hours into them. But they are very fascinating.
I dreamt last night that my life was jigsaw puzzle.
I spent a few hours looking at two of my new text books. Specifically the third year computer science courses. It is going to be challenging and I am going to have put in many long hours into them. But they are very fascinating.
I dreamt last night that my life was jigsaw puzzle.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Spinach Curry and Blue Jeans
I did a super exercise on Thursday. I have been riding my exercise bicycle when I get home for half an hour every day. But on Thursday I also did pushups, dips, squats, situps, lunges and stretches. And then on Saturday morning when I woke up I could not lift my arms above my shoulder because of muscle pain. That did not stop us going shopping for our university text books. By the end of the day I had 5 out of 6 text books and Sandra was missing one text book too. I have however ordered my missing text book from Amazon. We still need to decide what to about Sandra's missing text book. She has lecturers and stuff ( unlike me and my correspondence degree; so if all the students are searching for the book maybe the lecturers could organise a group purchase from a supplier or somewhat.) I then cooked the only meal I know how to cook. Whole-wheat vegetable quiche. Quite a delicious meal. But the only one I know. The next morning I woke up early and Sandra was not at all interested in waking up. So I decided the time had come to add a new recipe to my repertoire. I decided upon a spinach and chick pea curry with flat bread. And I went off to buy the ingredients. I also bought 8 fancy folders for my 8 courses. Sandra was not impressed by how fancy they were and was quite informative in explaining to me why they were not suited for my needs. I thought I would cook the curry for lunch but I discovered that we had other plans. Off to the Gateway to buy jeans. We went through all the pants in 6 different shops. And I learnt why each individual pair of jeans was not suitable. Sandra can be very informative when she sees the need. But eventually 6 hours later we got home with two new pairs of blue jeans for Sandra. I also got two new shirts. They were the two shirts the closest to the entrance at Woolworths. I then started cooking the meal. It took me about 2 and a half hours. I hope to get my timing down to about 1 hour when I become expert at it. (I am an expert at wholewheat vegetable quiche.... and I dare anyone in the world to not agree after tasting it...). Anyways, its Monday and I am at back at work with my esteemed colleagues.
Friday, January 14, 2005
A New Beginning
So it goes.... Its January and things are starting to happen again at work. After I finish off at work today I hope to pick up my book list for next years Bsc courses at UNISA. I have ITP, and I needed to be on high doses of cortisone in order to not be at risk for a stroke and other ugly things. But in May I tried a new medication, which only recently has been approved for use with ITP. Its called Mapthera. And it worked. I have been off the cortisone since June/July. However due to the cortisone and apathy I put on 20 kilograms of extra weight. I have now decided to work on losing that weight and adding muscle and fitness to my life. I have been exercising every day this week and hope to build up a routine.
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.. It's in words that the magic is -- Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the rest -- but the magic words in one story aren't magical in the next. The real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick is to learn the trick. ... And those words are made from the letters of our alphabet: a couple-dozen squiggles we can draw with the pen. This is the key! And the treasure, too, if we can only get our hands on it! It's as if - as if the key to the treasure is the treasure! ------- John Barth, Chimera