Sunday, April 03, 2005

Another Assignment and now 6 and not 8....

Assignment 1 INF 206d
Originally uploaded by ilanpillemer.
Well, I have just completed another assignment. (This one was 11 pages.) Which brings my total of assignments completed to 5.

I also am no longer registered for 8 UNISA subjects; but 6 UNISA subjects.

The reasons for this was that although I have been working hard and consistently there is no way I could do all these courses and be able to maintain quality and attention.

I know I can with 6 courses.

I have learnt my lesson in the past of trying to cope with more that I should - and it only results in me not succeeding at what I could have accomplished with temperance.

Apparently temperance is the key to success in worldly and spiritual endeavours.


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.. It's in words that the magic is -- Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the rest -- but the magic words in one story aren't magical in the next. The real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick is to learn the trick. ... And those words are made from the letters of our alphabet: a couple-dozen squiggles we can draw with the pen. This is the key! And the treasure, too, if we can only get our hands on it! It's as if - as if the key to the treasure is the treasure! ------- John Barth, Chimera