Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Engagement Party...

Originally uploaded by ilanpillemer.
Well the weekend is almost over and so is the Engagement Party events. It all started at about seven thirty am on Friday morning when my father arrived to fetch me for the airport. We arrived in Capetown at about 11 am and picked up the hired car and made our way down to Claremont and the B&B at which we were staying.

The B&B was very comfortable and relaxing except that I kept sneezing and my ears kept itching. Anyways, I suddenly found out that my shoes were not acceptable (which was true) and that we were going to go shopping for new shoes. But first we went to say hello to Jonx and Steven and to have some lunch at Carlucci's.

After that we went shopping at the Claremont shopping center which I found to be quite an ordeal. Eventually I asked to be taken back to the B&B for forty winks whilst my mother stayed at the center.

Later I had a shower and set off to meet our new in-laws-to-be. We arrived at the President hotel where a suite had been hired out for a cozy warm heimische shabbas dinner.

The evening was a delight and was fill with laughter conversation and smiles. Afterwards we all headed homeward warm and flushed with the enjoyment of the family celebration.

The next morning I was up early and my father dropped me off at Stevie and Jonx's; and whisked Jonx off to purchase his fancy shmancy Canon digital camera with which he hopes to drive his career as a photographer.

[UPDATE]: The new photo of me on my blog; and the beautiful picture of Robbie and Terri were taken by Jonx with his new camera.

I relaxed and playstationed for a while; and then made contact with Arik and went over for a visit and a laugh. A few hours later I was back at the flat and then Jonx and Mom and Dad and Stevie were all in the flat. It was almost 3pm and I was hungry.

Jonx and I went off to Carlucci's for a bite. Howie then contacted me and he joined us at the table. Soon Robbie and Terri were there too and we all ate and chatted. Terri had just had her hair cut and styled in anticipation of the Engagement party at the Grace hotel at the Waterfront.

After lunch I headed back to the B&B with my parents to relax before the evening's fun.

At 6 we arrived at the Grace hotel; and after a bit of confusion finding the bar that had been reserved for the private function; I found a seat and ensconced myself waiting for the people. And people arrived.

Brett Pillemer and Howie Gasmin and Shaun Knox were the people there that I knew the best. It was a fun evening.

The next morning I was up early and spent breakfast chatting with Phil, the son of the owners of the B&B. He had completed an honours in Physics (in astrophysics) a few years ago; and, over the last few years had been studying philosophy. He had just received a scholarship from Oxford to study the philosophy of physics.

After breakfast I joined Jason and Naomi for the morning (whilst my parents and Jonx and Steven went up for a scenic journey around Stellenbosch.) I had and enjoyed breakfast and then wandered Greenpoint market. I bought a second-hand CD of Eddie Brickhill and the New Bohemians, a belt and a flying pig.

[UPDATE]: I was so exicted when I got home to give Sandra the flying pig as a present; that I dropped it on the floor and it broke.

After the morning of reminiscing and chatting and catching up I got dropped off at the flat.

I wanted to playstation but there is something wrong with tv remote so I could not get the station to change to the playstation channel.

So... I decided to be productive and write these memories down before they disappear into the fog of memory.

I think I will return to my current novel that I am reading, the new Umberto Eco novel.


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.. It's in words that the magic is -- Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the rest -- but the magic words in one story aren't magical in the next. The real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick is to learn the trick. ... And those words are made from the letters of our alphabet: a couple-dozen squiggles we can draw with the pen. This is the key! And the treasure, too, if we can only get our hands on it! It's as if - as if the key to the treasure is the treasure! ------- John Barth, Chimera