Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Years Eve

New Years Eve
Originally uploaded by ilanpillemer.
Well on the afternoon of the 31st December Sandra and I left home to collect Karine and Nicole from the airport, after their long trip from Switzerland.

They arrived tired but very excited about the wonderful Durban weather. We soon got home and they were soon asleep.

That evening we went to the Durban Playhouse to see the show The Sound Of Music. The show ended exactly at midnight and then the cast did a count down and then sang Auld Lang Syne.

Afterwards in the foyer there was champagne and a jazz band and we toasted the old year gone by, and the new year just born.

The next day, when eventually everyone was awake we went down to the Gateway shopping center - and discovered everything closed. And then it began to rain. We ended up at our flat watching the DVD Donnie Darko.

The next day (yesterday) Karine and Nicole took themselves off to the Gateway, followed by the beach and then a few minutes at the casino. They ended their evening by coming over to our flat and drinking green tea with Sandra, Meira and me.

We had spent the afternoon at the Umbilo Bird Park with Meira and then had gone over to Sandra's violin teacher Beatrice for evening snacks and conversation.

After that we met up with Meira again at my flat and were later joined, as I mentioned above, by Karine and Nicole.

Today the two tourists are off to Himeville for a night (or maybe two.)


1 comment:

Ralph R. Slade said...

Excellent read, I just passed this on to a colleague who was doing some research about it. He has already bought me lunch because I found a smile on him so let me rephrase that.dune buggy tours dubai


.. It's in words that the magic is -- Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the rest -- but the magic words in one story aren't magical in the next. The real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick is to learn the trick. ... And those words are made from the letters of our alphabet: a couple-dozen squiggles we can draw with the pen. This is the key! And the treasure, too, if we can only get our hands on it! It's as if - as if the key to the treasure is the treasure! ------- John Barth, Chimera