Wednesday, April 25, 2007


MAT111N has been one of those repeating frustrations. I have registered for it three times already in the past; and never... never... never managed to get the first assignment in. And then realising that as the work piled up, and other, "more important" courses took priority I would not be able to cope with it - I have had to repeatedly deregister for it...

Well.... "NO MORE!" I cried. And I closed my eyes, and then opened them again so I could see, and grabbed my latex2e manual and registered for it again. I do not even need it to complete my degree; but I could not bear the idea of MAT111N sniggering at me as I lay beatan and broken on the ground.

And with eyes blurred with synthetic divisions and Upper Bound theorems and radians and polynomials and DeMoivre and a load of spinning mathetmatic symbols I completed the 17 page assignment in beautiful clear readable fonts and submitted it 5 minutes ago.

I now sit here... proud and defiant with my head held high and MAT111N cowering before my Latex2e Manual.


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.. It's in words that the magic is -- Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the rest -- but the magic words in one story aren't magical in the next. The real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick is to learn the trick. ... And those words are made from the letters of our alphabet: a couple-dozen squiggles we can draw with the pen. This is the key! And the treasure, too, if we can only get our hands on it! It's as if - as if the key to the treasure is the treasure! ------- John Barth, Chimera