Tuesday, March 01, 2005

All A-OK (except for stupid petrol station managers)

My platelet count is approx. 236 (or 263). I cannot remember which. So thats good.

I went to get petrol this evening (after fetching Sandra from the DIT.) It was pouring with rain. Having filled up, the petrol attendant told me my petrol card had expired (by one day.) It expired at the end of February.

This is at the BP on Moore Road.

I said, well let me pay with my VISA card, since you have a shop here and can take VISA. Let me buy some money to pay you with. This stupid manager then came out to tell me he was going to charge me 5% of whatever money I "buy" for the service.


So anyways, I agree. And then the attendant came back - saying my VISA card had been refused. I asked what the reason was. The ugly manager then said "Timeout, please try again...". So I said, "Please try again...".

He refused. He then said I needed to leave him with something valuable whilst I go and get the money. I offered him Sandra's student ID card. When he refused, Sandra asked him what on earth he wanted - did he want our house keys?

He refused that too (the idiot did not even appreciate that Sandra was being sardonic)...

He said he wanted something valuable enough that he would not risk being stolen from...

Geez... Arsehole...

So, I left him with my car and my wife and I walked across the road in the pouring rain to an ATM. At the ATM I used the exact same card to draw money.

I walked back, drenched, and gave the attendant cash.

I then marched into the BP 24 hour shop, and confronted the manager with many onlookers; whilst the attendant got my change.

I said my speech I had practised whilst walking through torrents of water.

"I drive approximately 700 kilometers every week. I generally always fill up with petrol at this garage.

I have been spending close to R1000 a month on petrol from this garage...

I cannot believe that my card could work across the road; and not work here.

But because of the unacceptable way you handled this situation, I will be taking my business elsewhere for at least 6 months; and probably much longer... this means that your behaviour has resulted in what seems to me to be significant lost revenue.

I just want you to clearly understand this."

When he nodded his head in an embarrassed understanding; I left.

Oh, I still paid the petrol attendant his tip.

And I have just completed another assignment this evening!

But I still have the darn headache.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done you !



.. It's in words that the magic is -- Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the rest -- but the magic words in one story aren't magical in the next. The real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick is to learn the trick. ... And those words are made from the letters of our alphabet: a couple-dozen squiggles we can draw with the pen. This is the key! And the treasure, too, if we can only get our hands on it! It's as if - as if the key to the treasure is the treasure! ------- John Barth, Chimera