Eventually after driving all over Durban, we ended up buying 3 Lab coats for Sandra from Logan Medical Books on Umbilo Road. Whilst inside the bookshop I opened the standard Haematology textbook to see what was written about my illness. It described the condition quite succintly but when I got to the treatments I was quite dissapointed. All the treatments that did not work on me were listed, as well as the terrible treatments with horrific side-effects were mentioned. But the treatment that worked on me, with minimal side-effects was nowhere to be seen. I know its quite a recent treatment, and because of that it did take a while to get approval from my medical aid. I think its been used for about 3-4 years for my condition. But 3-4 years is long enough to get it into the text-book. On that note, my count on Saturday ( the text book motivated me to go and get pricked ) was 512. Which is better than I could have dreamed about having. It dropped down to the bottom of normal when I had the flue recently. (My mother hates it when I spell flue with an ee. She thinks flue should be spelt flu. She might be right, but I like the ee on the end. Maybe its because it feels Shakespearean or something.)
Today, the routine of dropping Sandra off at the Technikon began. It was nice having her in the car when I left home this morning. She is very excited. She spent Sunday transferring the introductory lecture from last week from her scribble to Word. (She said she was the only one who took notes...) She has also organised her files, labelling each one and colour coding stuff. We bought the dissection kit, and she then looked up each item on the internet to learn the terminology and uses of the items etc. She also found an online virtual dissection of a frog web site, as well as a cockaroach dissection walk-through. Uggggg.
I brought a chess board to work today, as I would like to play a game of chess at lunch time regularly.
I have almost finished my first UNISA assignment (due March 11); but I did part of it in rough with pen and paper and I still have to transfer those questions to electronic format before I can actually submit. But its basically done, which feels all organised and stuff. My life is way too full for me to be able to get assignments in if I only start working on them just before they are due. Especially 3rd and 2nd year courses. I have also been working through the text books for the assignments coming up next.
1 comment:
Who do you play chess against? I didn't think there would anyone at your work you would deem worthy of playing chess against?
PS. What has happended to you? Your life is sounding very organised and together? very un-ilan like....
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