I was quite amused by this satire of Prince Harry and his silly insensitive behaviour.
I found out about this satire via Jewlicious. Of their posts I found this one on the trendy Hollywood kabbalists the most amusing.
I also sent an email to Jewlicious. ( I also sent a similarly worded one to The View From Here.) This is the email I sent.
I see you have a list of Jewish Blogs on your blog roll. What qualifies as a Jewish Blog? I am Jewish and I have a blog at http://hardlyhere.blogspot.com/ does that make my blog a Jewish blog? My friend Harry has a blog and he is Jewish. His Blog is at http://casf.blogspot.com/
We both lived in Israel for many years. I lived in Jerusalem for approximately 4 years ( and made Aliyah ) but was forced to return to South Africa due to a serious illness. I hope one day to return to Jerusalem.
-- ilAn
Yeah, I was thinking the other day - you remember we met at that poetry slam Adam was doing in Jerusalem. I'd been assigned the task of opening wine bottles in the absence of a corkscrew... I came with an Italian friend who played guitar intermissions, and realized that my ride back to Rehovot wasn't looking very secure. You, me and Adam walked round Jerusalem that night drinking and arguing. To me, it seems part of a distant past, but the memory and the intensity are very fresh.
I have the intense memory of when I ludicrously decided on the last minute on the eve of the millenium to go and visit a friend that I had not seen in many many many years - and who had phoned and beggedbegged begged me to join her. I left at the last minute, when the police arrived and kicked us all off the dead sea beach we had been camping on. The others were going up the road into the Negev. You had not yet arrived. And Adam decided to just go on without waiting for you. I was feeling a strange (and unexplainable pull) to go to this woman but I was unwilling to abandon you to an empty beach. So I decided to simply wait until you appeared before moving on. I then pointed you in Adam's direction into the Negev and loaded you with some heavy equipment (which you decided you wanted to take.) I have since then always regretted leaving you guys. Its one of my great regrets. When I eventually managed to hitch my way all the way to Northern Tel-Aviv, the woman was friendly to start with. But the people she was staying with were not; and I got bullied into being the "bouncer" at this stupid Tel-Aviv party. And then, since I had no way home, found myself hitching back to Jerusalem at 5 am at the morning.
I ended up only managing to hitch back to Tel-Aviv bus station; whereI fell asleep in the station itself. I woke up and caught a bus toJerusalem - where in act of snubbing my nose at G-d; I had a massive bacon and eggs breakfast at the place next to the Second Cup. Adam then later told me what an amazing experience you guys ended up enjoying in the Negev. I was angry with myself for letting a careless girl manipulate me into being somewhere I should not have been. And even mix up the insanity of these things; apparently Sandra, my wife today, had been in Jerusalem looking for me that day. Had even knocked on my door. But of course I was on the side of the road of the Tel-Aviv freeway - tired and filled with regret. Thats how I began the millenium. But that moment when you climbed off the bus and greeted me - was the moment when I finalised one the stupidest decisions of my life. Its a very intense memory of you, of Israel, of the Negev and of
the some of the stupid things I have done.
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