Stevie apparently does not currently have time to read this blog. The one reason is that he is busy selecting a suitable soundtrack. This entails lying on the couch in a sensitive frame of mind, listenining to approximately fifty thousand cd's and thinking "..does this sound right for *this* moment? ... hmmmmm..... ".
Nice work if you can get it. (And you can get it if you try.)
Also he can stretch his leg out straight in front of him without bending it; and he can stand on the palms of his hands and stretch his legs out straight. He said this is called yoga. Well... at least he is keeping busy...
Granny I am putting a link to a rave review on his play.
If you "click" on the link above ie the word "HERE" (above and to the left) then you will be taken to another web site which has the review on Stevie's play.
If you "click" on the word "Artscapes" underlined in the first paragraph you will be taken to another web site that mentions Stevie's play. I often put links into my site, and the "clicking" principle I am applying here, applies in all other cases too.
Now Jonx Pillemer took the excellent photograph on the top right of this post. No-one else took it. Only Jonx. Let no-one be confused, or in the dark. You see, I don't want to receive a formal complaint about "copywrite" (sic) infringement because Jonx is not being a "fraier" (hebrew word alert), and is not letting himself just be exploited by anyone... He discovered that the Cape Times had published a photograph he had taken without attributing it to him. He wrote them a letter in which he explained to them this was uncool (and also illegal).
Well... at first they replied telling him this was their policy. But now they have officially apologised.
Its nice to see when corporates respond to Pillemer directives and directors.
Why can you only get to this page by going to February and not when you log on?
You probably had a cached page view. If you (1) click refresh you will get the post. (2) change your browser settings so that it refreshes automatically every time you load a page.
The easiest is probably just to refresh automatically when you load the page.
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